Monday, January 12, 2009

Obama on the cover of Spider-Man

That's right... not only does this dude listen to rap music, shoot hoop, and body surf... but he collects comics. Issue #583 of The Amazing Spider-Man gives "a shout-out back" to the President Elect says Joe Quesada, Marvel Comics Editor-In-Chief, who calls P.E. Obama a "nerd-in-chief" because of his stated childhood reading of Spider-Man comic books. The story is set during the inauguration and gets LIGHTWEIGHT RACIST when an impostor and a basketball get involved. Don't get me started on the fist bump... Here's a page Marvel leaked...

Books come out Wed. January 14th, half of all covers feature the President Elect. Here's some music while you wait in line for your shop to open...
The Ramones- Spider-Man

Tenacious D- Spider-Man

Homer Simpson- Spider-Pig


Anonymous said...

Love the listening music.

Guillermo Paco Castro Jimenez DelaSantos Reyes Jr. said...

the first printing it averaging close to $100. I think they might be on their 4th printing.