Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Big up Photoshop for the redux... 

The release of the MTN MUTE button has a lot of writers like myself hollerin' GENIUS. Apparently after talking to my yout MIGUEL he was like, "yeah, i usually just use grab a magnet from wherever." *Bubble bursts* Guess the real genius is marketing it! Coming soon to a distributor near you... remember, real killers move in silence!

UPDATE: I was informed that citizens may not know what the fuck this means, so *for the non-writer* The agitator (metal ball)that mixes the spraypaint is held in place and kept quitet by this nifty magnet you can buy from your local montana retailer, or just take a powerful joint off your ‘Fridge and voila… happy hissing sound with no pesky rattle.

Get yours at MTN COLORS South (SF) City!

In the meantime, enjoy this dope KING BRITT graff anthem off of When The Funk Hits The Fan. Got it off his blog, reassuring to know the DJ/Graff connection is still strong. Philly, I see yawl.

King Britt - Taggin' & Braggin' feat. Capitol A

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