Sunday, March 22, 2009


Perfect closing ceremony for SXSW 2009...
Till next year...
Update: Ok, go...
Last year's Sabbath In The Park was my first. My receipt for coffee and eats on the way there came to 6 dollars and 66 cents($6.66). The coffee jockey was like "dude..." and I assured him that it was a sign that I was on the true path to destruction... and SABBATH IN THE PARK. I gave the receipt to Cosmo for some reason, and it's now that I realize that it's so I can give you his official Sabbath In The Park Wickemix 666!

This year marks the 3rd (Austin) Sabbath In The Park, which by Austin charter, grandfathers it in so that Sabbath In The Park can happen every SXSW for eternity!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

DJ CLASS - The SHIT up in this Bitch! (UPDATED!)

Getting UNRULY!!!!

KANYE cosigns that DJ CLASS is infact the ISH! Remix'd!
Click that and get that... "take that, take that"

MALUCA (in mid air)

"You bad as FUCK!"
- 1 O.A.K. of the Honor Roll

MALUCA hit me with a whitsle.
I'd never heard of her, but 4 songs later, I'm bout it.
Come to think of it, I'm pretty sure hardly anyone knew, but by the end it was as full (as an early for SX show was gonna get) of whistle blowing drunks! Find out!

Friday, March 20, 2009


I can honstly say they blew me the fuck away...
4 piece outfit killing it remixing classics keeping it
hella Hip-Hop and actually melted my (grand) cynicism about
"Live" H.H. Bands. These cats had a room full of DJs/artists rocking and
documenting... you WILL hear about 'em... don't trip!

Honor Rollin @ Fools Gold

On after Treasure Fingers at the Fools Gold SXSW party... BANG!

You See This Up Here?

That's Mike Baker's self worth...
Big up the Fools Gold party for the most challenging
Bathroom line! Ugh. Gotta love it tho'.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Find out about this 2 dude outfit!
It's unanimous... 2nd most enjoyable
Performance of SXSW so far...
I laughed, I cried.
Hottest Video/vocoder/costume act since
Humpty Hump of D.U.

And I quote...
"What's the world coming to when there's no
Cilantro ona mans tacos?"

Nothing short of white magic!

Yours Truly

Haha! Still the Caddo Nation as far as I'm concerned.

Philly X Bklyn X The Town

Davey D, Cosmo baker 1st meeting... shit like this warms my lil' heart and is why I love SXSW.
PS... Jonelle Monet's stage presence is GARGANTUAN! She is hella like a new GRACE JONES! (No pics, she was THAT good).

Quincy Jones!

"I think I'm gonna cry..."
-Amp Live of Zion I

Rollin with THE RUB

SXSW night one! Big up COSMO BAKER, AYRES, DJ ELEVEN & Tittsworth! Yee!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Graffiti Rock(!) for Amoeba Music Party!

Amoeba Music , easily one of my favorite spots to dig for vinyl, is throwing a warehouse party ala "Warhol 60's" steez... Guess who is gonna paint the walls? A Montana Cans sponsorship lured a dope crew of Graff Writers to paint... unconfirmed invitees are Buder TMF, Keb ICP, Wand TM7, Mike Giant, Meut TDK, Coro, PI= 3.14... Big up to Buder for working his magic, think I'll pass out when is see how many cans of Montana Gold we're working with... check back for sidekick photos and updates on the walls! Oh yeah, the party is free so come thru!

In antcipation I thought I'd share some shit witcha... I was peeping DJ ICEWATER's aka. DJ Pinoy Noir's AWESOME blog The Source Pages and was floored by the GRAFFITI ROCK episode that had me all nostalgic and laughing. Enjoy! Thanks Icewater! "Just check out THIS!"

Graffiti Rock from DJ Pinoy Noir on Vimeo.

Seeing corny productions of "hip hop" in its commercial infancy is dope when you think of all it's latter day manifestations... it's a long way from the f'n billion dollar circus that comes to mind nowadays... yowza.